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We are closed from 1st to 5th January. We’ll see you again on January 8th, 2024!



Aptaca takes a break: we are closed from 7th to 18th August. We will be back with lots of news. Happy holiday!


med_lab_middle_east_2023 Dear Customers and Partners, Aptaca S.p.A. waits for you at Medlab Middle East 2023 Fair of Dubai (UAE) - Dubai World Trade Center, Booth Z6.C01 - from February 6th to 9th. We hope to see you there!

Also this year Aptaca will exhibit at MEDICA fair in Düsseldorf (Germany) from 14th to 17th November at booth 3D42.

Can't wait to see you there and engage you in this extraordinary experience!


Dear Customers and Partners, as usual APTACA will exhibit at 2019 edition of MEDICA Trade Fair that will held in Düsseldorf (Germany) from 18th to 21th November 2019 (Hall 3, Booth D.42).

Glad to welcome you there!

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